Thank you kindly for keeping an active open forum for assisting new players even though you have quit so long ago, you are still here helping fellow grim dawnians in this grim world of the crate forums.
secrets of the lost grim dawn
The Battle over Jekara came to a close when Darth Vader boarded the Hutt Council's ship and killed the entire council.[35] Before Vader killed Bokku, the Hutt revealed that he had joined Crimson Dawn, believing that lowly souls like himself could not win unless they stood together with others. But before he died, Bokku ordered his droid to blow up the ship, with the droid saying "It has been my pleasure to bring the dawn" before the explosion. But Vader survived, using the force to make a shell of metal around him, which protected him when he landed on Jekara.[53] The death of the Hutt Council lost Crimson Dawn an ally in Bokku, but it also caused immense strain between the Hutts and the Empire as they hoped, and created instability and chaos that Crimson Dawn would exploit.[35]
Grim Dawn takes place in the world of Cairn, where humanity is caught in between an eternal war between two otherworldly forces: the Aetherials, who seek to use human bodies as a resource to take over the world; and the Chthonians, creatures from the void who seek to wipe out humanity before the Aetherials can use them. Their war has brought the world of Cairn to the brink of destruction. For humankind, it is the dawn of a grim new age where iron has replaced gold as currency and the great civilizations of old are nothing but a memory.
"These passed away and there appeared other men who woregarments of skins and killed their prey with flint-headed arrowsand spears. Yonder in the cliff you may find their graves coveredwith flat stones. These men worshipped the sun and me, the rockupon which his rays fell at dawn. Thus first I became a god. Againthere was war around me and my worshippers were slain, they andtheir fair-haired children were all slain. Still their dark-huedconquerors worshipped the sun and me. Moreover, they were artistsand with hard tools they fashioned my face and form as these appearto-day. Afterwards they built pyramids and tombs and in them kingsand princes were laid to rest. For generation after generation Iwatched them come and go, till at length there were no more ofthem, and white-robed priests crept about the ruins of theirtemples as still they creep to-day. Such is my history, O Man, thatis yet but begun, for when all the gods are gone and none pourofferings to me or them, still lost in memories I, who was from thebeginning, shall remain until the end. Yet was it of this that thouwouldst ask me?"